

This website is designed, written, and edited by Jennifer Nguyen ( unless stated otherwise.

Good Boy Bear may accept sponsorship or other forms of compensation. Any compensation received may influence the advertising/marketing content or topics. Any content on this website will be clearly identified as sponsored content, there will always be a disclaimer to indicate whether or not it is sponsored content.

I will always give my honest opinions, experiences, beliefs, or findings on topics or products discussed. I only recommend products and services that I and Bear know or trust to be of high quality that I've used myself, whether an affiliate partnership is in place or not.

Some of the links contained on this website are affiliate links. This means that if you click on and/or make a purchase from the affiliate through certain links on this website or through any related social media platforms (including Instagram and Facebook), I (Jennifer Nguyen) may receive a commission.

Jennifer Nguyen ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


All content on this blog (images and texts) are credited to Good Boy Bear, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use of these materials without express and/or written permission is strictly prohibited. If you wish to use any of the content (images and/or excerpts), clear and concise credit must be given. 

To seek permission and approval, please contact for any use of images or content.